Tag Archives: music

jamsession.events – A web site helping you find music jam sessions near you

Announcing jamsession.events, a web service allows you to find music jam sessions near users location. The site launched on 2nd May 2018, currently it is in the test period and it hosts jam session events of Athens and Greece, but aspires to host events from all around the word, allowing travelling musicians to find places to jam.

https://jamsession.events/ web site

By using some simple javascript+jquery functions to build a single page project, it needs no backend at all. It uses geolocation services to find your position and makes queries to the open data events calendar website: wikical.com API, getting datasets of jamsession events. A such query is:


Where 38,23 is an the example position (latitude, longitude) gathered either by geolocation services or by GeoIP. Cover images are fetched with another asynchronous query:


Where 1,2,3 are some event ids.

Near upcoming events to the given position, tagged with #jamsession and with start dates up to 15 days after, are retrieved with the above query and displayed in jamsession.events. Ther is a similar site, femical.org that uses the same technique for building a single page web service that takes advantage the API of wikical.com. The later is a calendar of feminist events near user’s location.

It is easy to build such services using the open data of wikical.com. User and communities (like the jamming musicians or the feminist organizations) can announce their events in wikical.com, then anyone may build new services that take advantage of the free and open access of wikical.com database.

To help communities, soon we will release some free software to ease the creation of such services.

Furthermore, user if wishes, can use the advanced search and displaying features of wikical, e.g. to create event maps like bellow (a map with the upcoming jam session events in Athens / Greece).

Upcomming jam session events in athens from wikical.com

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